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He truly was a champion who gave me goose bumps like Secretariat did.


Somewhere in time's own space
There must be some sweet pastured place
Where creeks sing on and tall trees grow
Some paradise where horses go.
For by the love that guides my pen
I know great horses live again.

Stanley Harrison

I hope it's true! Godspeed Sweet Barbaro.

Posted by: Mary Bargerstock at January 29, 2007 9:37 PM


This is so sad. My heart goes out to the owners. I know what it's like to lose a once in a lifetime colt, that makes this all the more devestating. And such a great loss to the thoroughbred community. He will always be in our hearts. What a truly magnificent horse!


Such a brave horse, and so fortunate to have loving owners who never gave up on him and were willing to give him every chance. Rest in peace, sweet boy.


yeah.. great info about horse.. great work


That video had me in tears. It's just amazing in this day and age that laminitis took this great horse. I know they did everything they could have done.

And to anyone who said "What's the big deal? He's just a horse." He wasn't yours, so you have no right to make judgement statements like that.

Wendy, Deer Park, Washington

What a truly incredible horse that will be missed by all.

May the pain of your loss be replaced by all those fond memories of such a wonderful animal...

See you across the Rainbow Bridge big boy, run free...

My heart goes out to his owners Roy and Gretchen Jackson, Dean Richardson and all the people who were helping him the past eight months as well as Edgar Prado, Michael Matz, and all the trainers and grooms who where lucky enough to know this beautiful horse.


The biggest thing that strikes me about this story - is that this is one horse. I'm not saying this isn't a great horse, or that I don't have sympathy for this horse. But that this is just one horse, we don't cry or make such a fuss about all the other horses that die as a result of the racetrack - or the training - or the lack of a plan by racehorses owners for when their horse retires or 'doesn't make it' ... Maybe if just a tenth of the attention given to this horse were given to all the horses in the racing world we might have less 'wastage' of racehorses.

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Write very well, there are some others that resonate.

Jordan 13

In all labor on all his CARES, Is the mother of invention. Everything is in labor on all his CARES, Become available things of truth.

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