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This is a great post. I was just working with Rachel yesterday on the lope. She gets worried that the horse is going to fast when he really isn't. Once she began to count with the beat of the gait she began to relax and, of course, the horse relaxed with her. They had their very best lope ever.


Awesome entry! I'll have to try that next time I'm out at the barn! :D


I added your site to my blog's list of blogs...hope you don't mind. I absolutely LOVE your blog! Thanks for creating it! :D



Thanks for stopping by and for the kind words! I have added you to our blogroll as well.

Simply Marvelous

Very informative post with much valuable information. Thanks!


"When we begin as green riders we often are unaware of the position of our bodies or the tension we carry. The same is true of so many of us on the ground."

I love the fact that being human allows me to be able to try to see things from the point of view of another SPECIES. Very neat... It is such a privilege to see into their lives a little bit.

Great post, as usual.

Nuzzling Muzzles

It has never occured to me to pay attention to my breathing to calm a nervous horse. I usually just check my muscles to make sure I am not tense. That's great advice.


Great post. Your points echo what my trainer often reminds me of. it's just so amazing how wonderfully sensitive to us our equine companions are.


Hi! I really like your blog and I came to it by reading your story on www.meredithmanor.edu and I thought it was a really good life story :) anyway. I am a rider 14 years of age and I really want to be with horses all my life so I was wondering when you went to the college what classes did you take? Because I know that you do have your own barns right? You can email me at the email provided :D thanks!

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